lesley the trainer

Personal Trainer & Coach

Be the best version of yourself -
in everyday life and at work

As an entrepreneur or self-employed person, you know the challenges of everyday life all too well. Your schedule is packed and the pressure to be successful is high. As a result, your own health and well-being often take a back seat. Yet this is the key to professional success and a good work-life balance. A strong physical and mental constitution enables you to cope better with daily demands, manage stress more effectively and have more energy for the things that you like doing. Exercise, healthy eating and good stress management create the foundation for a successful professional and fulfilling personal life. As your personal trainer, I’m here to help you find a customized solution for you. Together we will work on your physical fitness to make you the best version of yourself. Invest in yourself and make your health a priority.

✓  Lose body fat

✓  Build muscle

✓  Improve mobility & posture

✓  Get rid of pain

✓  Increase energy & performance

✓  Reduce stress

✓  Increase sleep quality

✓  Strengthen mental health

What my clients say


Personal Training

✓  Medical history & mobility tests

✓  Review of your goals & challenges

✓  Muscle & body fat analysis

✓  Structured & customized training planning

✓  Individual nutritional advice incl. supplement recommendation

✓  1:1 support during training

EVO Fitness & FitX members


1100 €

Single session

110 € 



1000 €

Single session

100 € 

* Validity of the 10-pack: 3 months.


✓  Medical history & mobility tests

✓  Monthly check-up & individual goal setting

✓  Muscle & body fat analysis

✓  Structured & customized training planning

✓  Individual nutritional advice incl. supplement recommendation

✓  You train the training plans independently in your gym

EVO Fitness & FitX members

1x coaching / month

275 € monthly


1x coaching / month

250 € monthly

Hi, I'm Lesley, your Personal Trainer.

I live and work in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg and Mitte. Health has a high priority in my life. I have noticed that I am happiest when I take care of both my physical and mental health. This includes getting plenty of exercise, eating a balanced diet, getting good and adequate sleep and maintaining social contacts. To most people, this sounds like a lot of work. Maybe it is at first. But once you’ve integrated all of this into your life, it’s hard to imagine life without it.

I became a personal trainer because I want to help you have fun (again) with a healthy lifestyle. There is a suitable way for everyone.

I want every person to find the connection to their body and their health. That is my goal.

My holistic approach

When it comes to personal training & coaching, my focus is 100% on you – whether on-site at the gym or online. Your goals, needs and challenges are the focus. Based on this, I offer you an individual, professionally competent support.

As a certified personal trainer, nutritionist and medical fitness trainer, I support you holistically in achieving your aesthetic and health goals. In addition to training, nutrition and lifestyle also play a major role. To get the best out of you, we also take care of sleep, stress management and mental health, because all of these contribute to a healthy body and mind. My approach enables you to achieve sustainable success and benefit from it in the long run. Both in your everyday life and in your job. You will even find joy in paying attention to a healthy lifestyle. And you will quickly notice that you are happier and more efficient.



Send a request now for a free initial consultation with me.